British Editions

There were two versions of the Trixie Belden series published in the United Kingdom; one by World Distributors and the other by Dean and Sons.


British Trixie Belden Dust Jacket editions

In 1954, World Distributors published the first two Trixie Belden books in a dust jacket edition in the United Kingdom.  These are extremely hard to find and a set of both books recently fetched US$500 on eBay.


A Trixie Belden Mystery: The Secret of the Mansion

UK Trixie Belden and the Secret of the Mansion Dust Jacket

Author :                        Published :            Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell            1954                         183 pages          

Unique features:   

The pictures on the dust jacket look nothing like the Trixie we know and certainly not like a 13 year old girl!  The interior of the book is not illustrated although the cover has a profile line drawing of Trixie, and there is no acknowledgement of the illustrator on the book or dust jacket.

The dustjacket makes an effort to sell this book to the reader but the copy on the back depicts the series as something quite different to what we know it to be:

Trixie Belden is the most irresistible,, irresponsible, adventure-loving madcap who ever found herself up to the neck in hot water!  No sooner does she get together for a little fun with her friends Honey, Di and Jim and her brothers Mart and Brian, than something happens and bang!  Another hilarious adventure is afoot, to keep you spell-bound to the very last line.

There are some small changes in the book to cater for the UK reader such as replacing American phrases and spelling with British ones.

This is a great edition of this book, and a unique collector's item for the Trixie Belden fan.

UK Trixie Belden and the Secret of the Mansion Cover


A Trixie Belden Mystery: The Red Caravan Mystery

UK Trixie Belden and the Red Caravan Mystery Dust Jacket

Author :                        Published :            Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell            1954                         186 pages         

Unique features:   

The title of this book is one of the unique differences between this book and its American counterpart, and one of the reasons it is highly collectible.

There are a number of changes in the language in the book with phrases like 'junior counselors' changed to 'assistant masters', molasses changed to black treacle, and 'gas station' changed to 'petrol station'.  There are also alterations to spelling to suit the British audience.

This book is as rare as its predecessor and appears to be the last title published by World Distributors, even though The Gatehouse Mystery was available in the US at the time.  Perhaps the books were not well received in the UK and they decided not to continue publishing these.

UK Trixie Belden and the Red Caravan Mystery Cover


Dean editions

These books were published in the UK by Dean and Son in the early 1980s after Western Publishing had finished releasing their oval paperback series.

This is a thin, compact book and is a lot more hardy than the oval paperbacks.  Another unique feature is that not all chapters start on a new page; another paper-saving device.

Only twelve titles were published in this format and they are difficult to find.

1.    The Secret of the Mansion            7.    The Mysterious Code
2.    The Red Trailer Mystery              8.    The Black Jacket Mystery
3.    The Gatehouse Mystery               9.    The Happy Valley Mystery
4.    The Mysterious Visitor                10.   The Marshland Mystery
5.    The Mystery Off Glen Road        11.   The Mystery at Bob-White Cave
6.    The Mystery in Arizona               12.   The Mystery of the Blinking Eye

The information provided here covers the books from my own collection and is not representative of all the books produced at this time.


Trixie Belden and the Secret of the Mansion

The Secret of the Mansion Dean cover

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 1".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Red Trailer Mystery

The Red Trailer Mystery Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 2".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Gatehouse Mystery

The Gatehouse Mystery Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 3".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Visitor

The Mysterious Visitor Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 4".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Mystery off Glen Road

The Mystery Off Glen Road Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 5".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Mystery in Arizona

The Mystery in Arizona Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 6".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Code

The Mysterious Code Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 7".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Black Jacket Mystery

The Black Jacket Mystery Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 8".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Happy Valley Mystery

The Happy Valley Mystery Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 9".
This edition contains the same omission of Trixie's line as in the oval paperback edition.
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Marshland Mystery

The Marshland Mystery Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 10".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Mystery at Bob-White Cave

The Mystery at Bob-White Cave Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 11".
There is no end matter.



Trixie Belden and the Mystery of the Blinking Eye

The Mystery of the Blinking Eye Dean cover


Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1982                                  190 pages           None

Cover illustration by Jack Wacker

Unique features:   
There are no illustrations within this book.
There is no title list and the author's name is only mentioned on the title page and not on the cover or the spine of the book.
The top of the spine reads "No. 12".
There is no end matter.
