Portuguese Editions

All 39 books were published in Portuguese by Verbo in Lisbon, Portugal.  They began publishing in 1977 and continued through to the mid-eighties.

There are some obvious differences between these books and the English books in terms of the text, but otherwise the books are identical to the oval paperbacks published by Western Publishing.  Trixie is known as Patricia and Honey is called Nora.  The rest have the same names except that the Bob-Whites are known as the CBVs - Codornizes Brancas do Vale.

1.  O Segredo da Casa Azul                           21. O Enigma da Criança Abandonada
2.  O Mistério da Rolote Vermelha              22. O Mistério da Montanha
3.  O Ladrão de Meia-Noite                           23. O Mistério do Colar da Rainha
4.  O Visitante Misterioso                              24. Mistério em Saratoga
5.  O Mistério da Estrada                               25. O Segredo da Floresta
6.  O Mistério no Arizona                              26. O Mistério do Cavaleiro sem Cabeça
7.  O Código Misterioso                                 27. O Mistério do Galeão Fantasma
8. O Mistério do Blusão Negro                     28. O Mistério do Rio
9. O Mistério do Vale da Felicidade            29. O Enigma do Vestido de Veludo
10. O Mistério do Pântano                             30. O Assaltante Misterioso
11. O Mistério do Caverna                             31. Os Patos Envenenados
12. O Ídolo Misterioso                                    32. A Bruxa Sussurrante
13. O Segredo da Ilha                                      33. O Enigma da Vítima Fugitiva
14. O Mistério das Esmeraldas                      34. O Milionário Desaparecido
15. O Mistério no Mississípi                          35. O Incêndio Misterioso
16. O Enigma da Herdeira Desaparecida    36. O Mistério da Boneca de Porcelana
17. O Convidado Desconhecido                    37. O Mistério da Exposição Sabotada
18. O Mistério do Gafanhoto                          38. O Enigma do Cemitério Índio
19. O Mistério do Tesouro Invisível             39. O Fantasma Galopante
20. O Enigma do Velho Telégrafo


Patricia O Segredo da Casa Azul

Trixie Belden and the Secret of the Mansion

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell           1980                                  200 pages           NA

Translator: Ricardo Alberty

Unique features:   
End pages list the first ten titles available plus books 11 and 12 on the way.


Patricia O Mistério da Rolote Vermelha

Trixie Belden and the Red Trailer Mystery

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell           1982                                  208 pages           NA

Translator: Ricardo Alberty

Unique features:   
Opening imprint pages appear in this book list to 19 and there are no advertisements in the back of the book.



Patricia O Visitante Misterioso

Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Visitor

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell           1980                                  198 pages           NA

Translator: Regina Sales

Unique features:   
Opening imprint pages appear in this book list to 22 and there is an advertisement in the back of the book for "Clube Juvenil Verbo".


Patricia O Mistério da Estrada

Trixie Belden and the Mystery Off Glen Road

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell           1979                                  208 pages           NA

Translator: Regina Sales

Unique features:   
This must be a first edition copy as there is no title list and no advertisements.


Patricia O Mistério no Arizona

Trixie Belden and the Mystery in Arizona

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Julie Campbell           1979                                  224 pages           NA

Translator: Regina Sales

Unique features:   
No opening pages title list, but there are two advertisements in the back and one lists the first six books, with the next three on the way and two points of errata on the imprint page.


Patricia O Código Misterioso

Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Code

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1979                                  216 pages           NA

Translator: José António Mendonça da Cruz

Unique features:   
No opening pages title list, but there are two advertisements in the back and one is the summary for the Black Jacket mystery.


Patricia O Mistério do Vale da Felicidade

Trixie Belden and the Happy Valley Mystery

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1979                                  208 pages           NA

Translator: Maria Adelaide Freire

Unique features:   


Patricia O Mistério do Pântano

Trixie Belden and the Marshland Mystery

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1981                                  208 pages           NA

Translator: António Bentick Coelho

Unique features:   
Opening imprint pages appear in this book list to 18 and there is an advertisement in the back of the book for "Clube Juvenil Verbo".


Patricia O Mistério do Caverna

Trixie Belden and the Mystery at Bob-White Cave

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1982                                  200 pages           NA

Translator: Maria Adelaide Freire

Unique features: 
Opening imprint pages appear in this book list to 17 and there is an advertisement in the back of the book for "Clube Juvenil Verbo".


Patricia O Ídolo Misterioso

Trixie Belden and the Mystery of the Blinking Eye

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1980                                  184 pages           NA

Translator: Maria Adelaide Freire

Unique features: 
There is a synopis in the back for the next book.


Patricia O Segredo da Ilha

Trixie Belden and the Mystery at Cobbett's Island

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1980                                  200 pages           NA

Translator: Maria da Fé Rodrigues Peres

Unique features: 
There is a synopis in the back for the next book.


Patricia O Mistério no Mississípi

Trixie Belden and the Mystery on the Mississippi

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1982                                  208 pages           NA

Translator: Henrique von Bonhorst Silva

Unique features: 
Opening imprint pages appear in this book list to 14 and there is an advertisement in the back of the next book.



Patricia O Convidado Desconhecido


Trixie Belden and the Mystery of the Uninvited Guest

Author :                        Published :                     Extent:                Spine No. :
Kathryn Kenny            1982                                  192 pages           NA

Translator: Maria da Fé Rodrigues Peres

Unique features: 
There is an advertisement in the back of the book for "Clube Juvenil Verbo".
