Title :
Trixie Belden and the Mystery at Bob-White Cave
Author :
Kathryn Kenny
The ghost writer of this book is not known for certain, but it could possibly be
Stack who lived in
First Published :
Chapter Titles :
1. Discovery
2. Wildcat Comes to Call
3. Ghosts, Ghosts, Ghosts!
4. A Trip into Town
5. Getting Acquainted
6. Swim to Safety
7. Five-Hundred-Dollar Poison
8. Nothing but Trouble
9. Surprise Party
10. Fire in the Night
11. Operation Fix-Up
12. Search After Dark
13. Unexpected Meeting
14. Wild-Goose Chase
15. Sinkhole Suspense
16. Lessons to Learn
17. Misplaced Memory
18. A Just Reward
Setting :
Ozark Mountains, Missouri.
Synopsis :
The Bob-Whites, minus Di and Dan, join
Andrew Belden at his cabin in the Ozarks for a holiday. Trixie has them in
all involved in an adventure from the moment she decides to hunt for the
valuable ghost-fish. She is saved from the attack of a wild cat by a
"ghost" and is almost drowned in an attempt to find the rare ghost
fish, but their adventures lead them to reveal the identity of the ghost and
bring a family back together.
Characters :
Trixie Belden
Jim Frayne - adopted son of the Wheeler's
Honey Wheeler - Trixie's best friend
Brian Belden - Trixie's eldest brother
Mart Belden - Trixie's "almost twin" brother
Andrew Belden - Trixie's uncle
Annie Moore - Uncle Andrew's house keeper
Linnie Moore - Mrs Moore's daughter
Bill Hawkins - Uncle Andrew's neighbours
Minnie Hawkins - Bill's wife
Slim Sanderson - the Bob-Whites tour guide
Mr Glendinning - an Englishman the Bob-Whites save from drowning
Matthew Moore - Mrs Moore's long-lost husband
Sam Owens - Shopkeeper, postmaster and sheriff
Villains :
Slim Sanderson rubs the Bob-Whites the wrong way from the beginning and a
string of incidents sees him quickly become the villain, although Mr Glendinning
and Mr Moore are suspected at times.
Points of Interest:
Mart is fifteen at the start of this book, so it must take place after June 1,
but Di and Honey are also said to be fourteen. Have their birthdays
already occurred? It doesn't seem so if you go by #14 when Di is
celebrating her 14th birthday.
Di is said to be in California and Dan is working.
Apparently, there's a cave in Honey's father's
Bill Hawkins has his doubts about Slim, but Andrew
Belden doesn't. The Happy Valley Mystery states what a good judge
of character he is, but obviously not on this occasion.
Mart and Brian have experience milking cows, but
Jim doesn't (p. 65). In The Happy Valley Mystery Trixie says that
she and Brian helped deliver a calf from their cow.
Jim is able to play the harmonica, and pulled it
out of is pocket to accompany Linnie's singing (p. 68).
Brian is described as "their acknowledged
leader" (p. 30) and the spokesperson of their group (p. 88).
In the original book, Helen Belden writes that
Uncle Mart is sick and Aunt Helen asks her to come and stay with her.
However, in the oval paperback edition, the name is changed to Aunt Alicia.
"With a great sigh, Trixie opened her eyes and
looked into Jim's anxious blue eyes" up until the oval paperback edition
where it was corrected and changed to green (p. 175).
Suggestions for further reading on spelunking and
caving only appeared in the first edition of this book.