"I should like," he said,
raising his glass, "to propose a toast to someone whom, though I have
known her for only a few days, I consider to be one of the best friends
I've ever had. To Trixie!"
Everyone drank and cheered while
Trixie tried to hold back the tears of happiness she felt welling up in
her eyes. Then Mr Carver reached in his pocket and drew something
"And," he continued,
"as a remembrance of your trip to Rosewood Hall, I want you to have
this." He handed her the gold locket. As Trixie slowly
opened the little heart and looked once again at the picture of Ruth and
her husband, Mr Carver said, "I'm sure you'll have a picture to put
in the space where the secret message was."
Before she thought what she was
doing, Trixie raised her head and looked down the table at Jim. No
one had to guess whose picture she would choose.
The Mystery of the Emeralds
(p. 234)
Title :
Trixie Belden and the Mystery of the Emeralds
Author :
Kathryn Kenny
The ghostwriter of this book is assumed to be Virginia
First Published :
Chapter Titles :
1. "Rabbit! Rabbit!"
2. Mystery From the Past
3. The First Step
4. "Here It Is!"
5. Di's Great Idea
6. Wonderful Washington
7. "Get Out of Here!"
8. "Welcome to Green Trees!"
9. At the Cemetery
10. The Clue Ruth Left
11. A Bad Blow
12. An Unlikely Friend
13. Two Feet of Space
14. A Narrow Escape
15. Miss Bates Is Surprised
16. The Green Trees Ghost
17. The First to Know
18. Happy, Happy Birthday!
Setting :
Sleepyside, New York and Williamsburg, Virginia.
Synopsis :
Trixie finds an old letter in a secret
space in Crabapple Farm and she and Honey set out to find the intended recipient
of the letter. Their search leads the Bob-Whites to Williamsburg, Virginia
to find Rosewood Hall and the cursed Emeralds, hidden before the civil war.
Characters :
Trixie Belden
Jim Frayne - adopted son of the Wheeler's
Honey Wheeler - Trixie's best friend
Brian Belden - Trixie's eldest brother
Mart Belden - Trixie's "almost twin" brother
Diana Lynch - a classmate and neighbour
Helen Belden - Trixie's mother
Peter Belden - Trixie's father
Bobby Belden - Trixie's six year old brother
Mr Lynch - Diana's father
Mrs Lynch - Diana's mother
Mr Lytell - owner of the village store
Miss Julie Sunderland - the ninety year old niece of the letter's author.
Neil - Miss Julie's hired house hand
Lizzie James - shop keeper in Cliveden
Edgar Carver - owner and tour guide of Green Trees
Mr and Mrs Sellers - tourists from Florida
Jenkins - the owner of Rosewood Hall
Dr Alex Brandon - Mr Carver's doctor and friend
Miss Carolyn Bates - head of the historical society
Villains :
It is thought that Virginia McDonnell wrote this book and The Mystery of
Cobbett's Island. The plots are certainly similar, both mysteries
starting with Trixie finding a letter and they have to follow instructions to
find a treasure. In both books, the young villain doesn't turn out to be
so bad and is able to be reformed.
Neil is thought to be a villain at first, especially after he follows them and
attacks Jim but he redeems himself.
The real villain is Jenkins, who causes Mr Carver's
accident and tries to sell him a fake emerald necklace. He also beats his
horses and he seems a similar sort of man to Jim's step-father, Jonesy.
Points of Interest:
Trixie wakes up yelling "Rabbit, Rabbit" to make a wish come true
at the beginning of the month. You could assume it is July seeing the book
takes place after their June trip to Cobbett's Island, but strangely the 4th of
July gets no mention.
Di is described as having violet eyes (p. 18) and
the trip is said to be for her coming birthday. There is a birthday cake
and singing at the end of the book, but it is not said to be Di's birthday.
Jim's birthday is also in July, but this is not
Dan gets mentioned early in the book, but does not
make an appearance and misses out on his fourth Bob-White vacation.
Jim has a pet catbird, named Cheerio (p. 65).
Trixie, who didn't know a fake diamond from a real
one, can now tell a fake emerald from a real emerald! Even Di and Honey
were not as certain as she was that they were fake (p. 92).
Mr and Mrs Lynch are not named in this book and Mr
Lynch refers to his wife as "Mother". There is no mention of
their two sets of twins anywhere in the book or any phone calls home by them or
Di, to their other children.
The girls got ready for the party and "light
lipstick made them look unusually pretty" (p. 231).