Name: Matthew Wheeler
Birthday: Unknown
Physical Description:
Tall with red hair and green eyes.
Matthew Wheeler looks enough like his adopted son, Jim to be mistaken for
his father. Both are tall, with red hair and green eyes and have quick
Matthew went to college with Jim's father, Win, and
he was quite keen to adopt the son of his old friend. Jim quickly refers
to him as Dad, although he never forgets his much-loved father who died when he
was a child.
Matt is a wealthy businessman, whose business
requires him to travel frequently. He and his wife are seldom at the Manor
House, so they don't get to spend a great deal of time with their children, Jim
and Honey.
However, Matt has his own private plane and is
often able to take the Bob-Whites on trips which inevitably leads them to a
mystery. He allows the Bob-Whites their freedom but is concerned by
the dangerous situations they become involved in, and Trixie occasionally finds
herself the recipient of a stern lecture from him.
Matt is described as stubborn, but with a good head
for business. He can lose his temper if he's unable to get what his want
and has several arguments with Mr Maypenny who does not value money in the same
way as he does.
He is the more approachable parent, and cares
deeply for his children despite his absences. He is generous, kind-hearted
with a good sense of humor and is a highly respected man.
